1. A self-supported non-profit organization supporting riders, horses, and horse-related professionals & service providers, through progressive financial strategies allowing for perpetual use of funding & long term results, freeing beneficiaries from some or all financial burden thus allowing them to focus time & energy on what they do best.
2. What FEA does for:
RIDERS & TRAINERS: Financial support, sponsorship for training & events, help in getting to the next training or competition level, career strategies, financial strategies for major purchases (horses, facilities,
equipment, etc.), retirement preparation, and more.
EQUINE PROFESSIONALS: Sponsorship for events,
products & services, gain more exposure, revenue from unused assets
or services, financial strategies for major purchases, address
specific needs, etc.
SPONSORS & CONTRIBUTORS: Long term exposure,
tax deductible, perpetual use of funds, targeted or compounded
sponsorship, all-in-one sponsorships, unique benefits.
HORSES: Horsemanship is the top priority at
FEA. Better care & handling through riders’ and caregivers’ improved
horsemanship, sponsored clinics, training, medical & rehab expenses,
and after-career options.
plan to support a multitude of entities with similar mission and
goals. National & State federations and associations as well as
regional and local entities will be listed as potential
EQUINE THERAPY: Supporting existing entities
in the equine therapy field, such as the ones working with
autistic & handicapped children and adults, as well as with
teenagers at risk.
3. How the funds are generated: Through sponsors, donors, supporters, fundraising events, and Crowd Funded patterns, the received funds are managed through an accelerated endowments approach allowing perpetual revenue to fulfill FEA's mission of supporting riders, horses, professionals in the equestrian world, and equine therapy.
4. Use of funds: Sponsors & contributors tell us
how they prefer their funds to be used: for a specific purpose,
horsemanship, a certain type of riders, equine therapy support, a special purchase, or
for an all-purpose use as per FEA's guidelines.
5. Portion of revenue actually used to benefit
the Foundation's mission: FEA's basic expenses are self-funded;
therefore most of the funds from sponsors & contributors are used to
fulfill our mission, for the benefit of riders, horses, and other FEA
beneficiaries. Planned:95%+
6. What FEA needs next: • recommendations for
Boards, Committees & Teams (see chart below) • Horse-related
professionals (riders, trainers, service providers) to help spread the
word • Funding: sponsors, contributors, tax-advantaged
For details:
EquestrianAthletes.org • Email:

Disclaimer: This document is for
information only. This is not an offer for investment. No promise of
any kind is being made.