• EQUESTRIAN EVENTS & SPONSORSHIPS Although show jumping is the most popular worldwide, there are several other high-level equestrian disciplines. The best known are those included at the World Equestrian Games held every four years: in addition to show jumping, there is combined driving, dressage, endurance, eventing, paraequestrian events, reining and vaulting. Officially introduced into the Olympics in 1912, this sport has been growing ever since. It is an exciting sport, and competitions are held year-round all over the world. North America is no different as numerous horse shows are hosted every week, with key competitions and circuits being followed by the elite riders to earn money and to qualify for national and international events. Many horse shows feature thousands of riders, horses, and spectators. The value of horses there ranges from thousands of dollars all the way to several millions. Sponsorships are common, and are actually the primary financial means for many riders to perform at the highest level. Sponsorship packages are customized to match specific needs—from startup companies to international entities, to promote a brand or advertise products, etc. Horse shows are great places to network, create new business relationships, and be introduced to an affluent market.

Sponsors receive major exposure and benefits through association with successful riders, industry professionals, and presence at prestigious sports events:
Fully tax deductible expense (based on your tax situation)
Leverage sponsorship to include several events, riders, objectives.
Exposure at all events where FEA is involved at any level (with riders, trainers, as a sponsor, etc.)
Sponsors will be acknowledged on: show carts, horse names, show rugs & saddle pads, show cups/trophies, jackets, training rugs & saddle pads, shirts, hats, FEA’s official vehicles, etc.
Press and media coverage at major events
Hospitality opportunities at major events
Increased profile, especially amongst the affluent equine community
Regular visibility through FEA communications
Acknowledgment on FEA-related websites & brochures
Banners & logo at strategic locations at events
Sponsor names announced throughout the day of FEA sponsored event(s)
Sponsor’s product(s) displayed when feasible
Logo in programs, on FEA mailings and on polo shirts worn by FEA members
FEA may help staff sponsor’s booth at events Availability of FEA member(s) to attend/support sponsor’s events/functions
Show rings, tents, exhibit area can be named for a sponsor for the duration of an event
Long term effects (see Why Sponsoring FEA on the right)
Request the FEA SPONSORSHIP KIT to find out more.
· Individuals · Riders, their parents, relatives, or friends · Companies & corporations · Trust funds · Not-for-profit entities · Hotels, restaurants, airlines · Equestrian equipment providers · Sport-related associations · Equestrian events · Apparel, tack, food & supplements providers · Transportation service provider · Owners (of horses, barns, equipment, etc) · Equine professionals: trainers, farriers, vets and others - including mentors · Service or product providers
• FUNDS USED TO SPONSOR Conventionally, sponsors need cash to sponsor; but FEA's structure allows many other options that could help a company sponsoring without having to dig into its needed cashflow or reserves. Here pretty much any type of funds and assets may be used for sponsorship: cash, services, products, endowments, properties, hard assets, discounts on products/services, excess inventory, accounts receivable, transferable tax credits, donations, inheritance, insurance policies, precious metals, vehicles, trailers, equipment, services, etc.
• WHY SPONSOR FEA Think of it as a sponsorship conglomerate offering added power to each sponsor dollar. When sponsoring FEA, you are sponsoring much more than the Foundation itself and what it stands for. You are sponsoring a team, horses, associated services, equine therapy and a lot more. Your sponsorship may be targeted for a specific purpose, or general.
One of the most important elements remains that your sponsorship may be used to perpetuity through our accelerated endowment program; in other words, although you can add to it at any time, the sponsorship you make one time can be reused over and over, without you having to come up with additional funds. Contact our Endowment Department for details in this regard.
FEA partnership provides sponsors with a great way to promote their brand and strengthen their position in the market. Partner companies also benefit from unique opportunities to showcase their products and services while creating an emotional connection with the very passionate equestrian audience.
Although sponsorship and funding of FEA is processed in a similar manner, each requires special handling and documentation as well as different legal & IRS considerations. To find out more and discuss the details of potential sponsorship opportunities, please contact:
- Sponsorships: sponsors@EquestrianAthletes.org - Donations: donations@EquestrianAthletes.org - Endowments: endowments@EquestrianAthletes.org - Mentors: mentors@EquestrianAthletes.org - Supporters: supporters@EquestrianAthletes.org - General info: ContactUs@EquestrianAthletes.org